Sunday, September 30, 2012

5326 Week 5 Reflection

I recently changed schools and now have had to make adjustments with my action research plan. I originally planned on examining literacy and its effects on all core subjects, via examining state assessment data and comparing years prior to the year we implemented a literacy program for all core subjects. However, now I am not focusing on literacy. Instead, I am using the work that my current school asked me to participate in. I am now working with the assistant principal of science, and COREWORKS data to evaluate our science teams performance. We are looking into our current practices and redefining what we should be doing better, what we are already doing well, and how we can improve our success. The COREworks program is something I have never worked with prior to this year. How it works is the team members individually answer a survey and the responses are recorded, but remain anonymous. Then the teachers met as a team to examine the COREworks initial survey response. We went through and evaluated each question as a team. Then we met again and examined our results. The results revealed areas of strength and areas of weakness. It also identified things that we should start doing, and things we should stop doing, in order to become more successful. I feel that this has been a very helpful tool for the teachers. As well, the students will reap the benefits of the teachers implementing these changes. One of our main areas of focus, after evaluation results, is to really focus on using formative assessments more often.