Thursday, June 21, 2012

Draft Plan

I've created a draft of my action research plan. I'm sure that plenty of changes will be made, things will be added in, and things will be taken out. But, it's nice to have a starting place.

Action Planning Template
Goal: Determine if students will show improvement in all courses after implementing a new vocabulary plan and focusing on literacy in non-ELA courses.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Initial Data gathering

Curriculum facilitators for each subject
Prior to 2012-2013 school year
Data from previous year’s STAAR & TAKS
Identify point of origin to provide for final comparison
Presentation of action research plan, guidelines, and how to implement new programs

Bethanee Sales

Principal Janis Williams
First faculty meeting of the school year. During professional development prior to students returning.
August 2012.
Presentation prepared for faculty
Teacher’s feedback on plan of action. Time to identify concerns, answer questions, and handout materials
Implementing vocabulary, reading, and writing activities

All teachers
First six weeks of school
Access to new literacy program available on database
This will provide the students with the new curriculum incorporations
benchmark data for all courses (other than ELA)

Curriculum facilitator for each subject
December 2012
Access to this benchmark assessment data
Make any conclusions on implementation plan’s success so far. Identify students who qualify for tutorials.
Teacher interviews
All participating teachers
December 2012
Set up interview times
Feedback, questions, concerns
Twice weekly required morning tutorials for “bubble kids”.
Rotating teachers in each subject
February-May 2013
Access to literacy program, individualized student results, and additional materials relating to known weak TEKS.
Students who need extra assistance will be given the opportunity to work in smaller groups with many different teachers.
Collect STAAR data
Curriculum facilitator for each subject
May 2013
Access to STAAR data
Compare to data from last year’s state test assessments and identify margin of improvement.
Student surveys
All students
May 2013
Survey on
Feedback from students about the literacy program.
Teacher surveys
All participating teachers
May 2013
Survey on
Feedback from teachers about the literacy program.
Present conclusive data
Bethanee Sales

Principal Janis Williams
May 2013
Teachers must attend final school board meeting.

Conclusive Presentation prepared.
Conclude the research plan and identify success.


  1. I am extremely intersted in finding out more about your action plan. Vocabulary is a hot topic right now because of STAAR. I think that this will be a great research plan. What kinds of activities will you do to teach the vocabulary. I am always looking for new ways to teach vocabulary. I can't wait to learn more about your plan. Good luck!

  2. I'm curious to what vocabulary plan you will be using? I am a big fan of academic vocabulary. It is from Marzano's research and looks at vocabulary in all subject areas not just ELA. I was able to attend a conference that Marzano and other members of his staff held this past April. Even though I already was a fan, seeing how they intended for it to be put in place just made me even more of a believer - it's a poweful tool.

  3. I too would be interested to know about the Vocabulary. I would also like to know what literacy programs you are planning on using. I believe increasing vocabulary and literacy would tremendously help in non ELA subjects, so I hope it all works out for you.

  4. Bethanee,

    Great job with your action research plan. Studying how to increase literacy and vocabulary is relevant and valuable. Keep up the excellent work!

    Dr. Abshire
